Exercise has benefits at all ages.
Don't worry if you feel like you haven't been part of organized exercising or if you stopped exercising for some reason. Being physically active can help you continue to do the things you enjoy and stay independent as you age. In addition, the right kind of regular exercise can reduce your chance of heart disease, diabetes, and falls.
An effective exercise program needs to be fun and keep you motivated. Think back to when you were a child. what type of things made you happy? Roller skating? Riding a bike? Running around with your friends? Swimming?
Keep up with your kids/grand kids
Lose weight
Manage a health condition
Reduce stress
Improve your stamina
Your exercise program can also be a way for you to socialize. Taking exercise classes or exercising with a friend are both good ways to be social! There is probably a friend that would love a walking buddy, she/he just needs a little friendly nudge to get started.
You may have a hard time starting an exercise routine. Once you do start, though, you will begin to notice the benefits, including improved sleep and self-esteem. Studies have shown that those who exercise regularly sleep better.
Exercise and physical activity have so many benefits for your body. Exercise can make it easier to do the things you want to do, it can help with your balance and walking, help with feelings of depression or anxiety and improve your mood.
It also helps to maintain your thinking skills (cognitive function) as you get older and prevents or treats diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breast and colon cancer, and osteoporosis.
Exercises can be grouped into four main categories, although many exercises fit into more than one category:
1. Aerobic exercise: This type of exercise increases your breathing and heart rate. These exercises help your heart, lungs, and blood vessels. They may prevent or delay many diseases, such as diabetes, colon and breast cancers, and heart disease.
Aerobic sports activities include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, climbing, tennis, and basketball. Aerobic activities you can do every day include dancing, yard work, pushing your grandchild on a swing, and vacuuming.
2. Muscle strengthening: Improving your muscle strength can help you climb stairs, carry groceries, and stay independent.
You can build muscle strength by:
Lifting weights or using a resistance band, performing everyday activities, such as carrying a full laundry basket from the basement, carrying your smaller grandchildren, or lifting things in the garden.
3. Balancing exercises: Balance exercises help prevent falls, which is a concern for older adults. Many exercises that strengthen the muscles in the legs, hips, and lower back will improve your balance. It is often best to learn balance exercises from a physical therapist before starting on your own.
Balance exercises may include:
Standing on one foot
Walking heel-to-toe
Tai chi
Standing on tiptoe to reach something on the top shelf
Walking up and down the stairs
4. Stretching exercises: stretching can help your body stay flexible. To stay limber:
Learn shoulder, upper arm, and calf stretches
Take yoga classes
Do everyday activities, such as making your bed or bending over to tie your shoes.
Everyday exercise is important to continue living a healthy and happy lifestyle.