The alarm goes off you reach out, hit snooze to grab a few extra winks of sleep. Good, right? Unfortunately that one move can throw off the rest of your day. You have a decision to make when that annoying bleep begins, hit snooze and enjoy the comfort of your bed or burst into action and begin your day. Sometimes that small choice can determine a lot. To sleep or not to sleep? To exercise before or after work or not at all? To grab breakfast at home or on the run? So what motivates your decisions? Factors like stress, children and weather can all influence our actions but ultimately if we are motivated to succeed we will. Do you have a competitive nature? Find a friend or partner to push your goals farther. Do you find yourself wishing for a healthier lifestyle? Make small changes that will impact your day to day life.
The best way to start your day is to plan ahead. The night before. Determine what the day holds and stick to your plan. If that means an early workout, lay out your clothes and shoes ahead of time, so you aren't fumbling around in brain fog trying to find a sock. If it means 15 extra minutes to eat at home, set out the oatmeal and fruit the night before so you can bypass the fast food. Put healthy snacks in baggies for "grab and go"convenience. Find a farmers market and frequent it for local fruits and veggies. Little choices we make along the day are the difference between a good day and a great one.
If you decide the night before that you can streamline your morning routine, set your alarm back 30 minutes and wake up refreshed.
It's easy to feel like life is governing your choices, but with a few small tweaks you can begin to feel more in control.
Spring is the perfect time to start something new or renew good habits. Don't wait for "Monday" or use other excuses to put off starting Get up and walk around, take the stairs, eat an apple. In the words of Nike "Just do it".